37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (2024)

There’s no doubt that Discord is one of the most popular messaging platforms, thanks to the wide variety of activities you can perform on the platform. Since there are many options, navigation can be tiresome. You can completely change that by knowing the right Discord keyboard shortcuts.

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (1)

However, as you can guess, you can use these shortcuts when you use Discord with the keyboard. This means this feature is unavailable on Android, iOS, and iPadOS. These shortcuts are guaranteed to increase your productivity and even your valuable time.

Also Read: How to fix friend request not working in Discord

Discord Hotkeys for Windows and macOS

Here are the Discord Keyboard Shortcuts you can use to improve your daily productivity. To make things easier, we have ensured to sort all the shortcuts based on the Discord server, DM, and other features. Let’s begin.

General Discord Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Show all Discord keyboard shortcuts – Ctrl + / (Windows) | Cmd + / (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (2)

2. Open General search – Ctrl + K (Windows) | Cmd + / (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (3)

3. Create a new server or to join a new server – Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + N (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (4)

4. Search inside Server, Channel, and DMs – Ctrl + F (Windows) | Cmd + F (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (5)

5. Open Discord help – Ctrl + Shift + H (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + H (macOS)

6. Upload a file – Ctrl + Shift + U (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + U (macOS)

Discord Keyboard Shortcut for Navigation

7. Scroll up inside the Channel or DMs – PageUp

8. Jump to the oldest unread message inside the channel or DMs – Shift + PageUp

9. Jump between servers – Ctrl + Alt + ↑/↓ (Windows) | Ctrl + Option + ↑/↓

10. Jump between channels – Alt + ↑/↓ (Windows) | Option + ↑/↓ (macOS)

11. Go to the next screen – Alt + ← (Windows) | Option + ← (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (6)

12. Go to the previous screen – Alt + → (Windows) | Option + → (macOS)

13. Jump between unread channels – Alt + Shift + ↑/↓ (Windows) | Option + Shift + ↑/↓ (macOS)

14. Jump between unread channels with mentions – Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑, ↓ (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + Option + ↑, ↓ (macOS)

15. Go to the current call – Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + Option + V (macOS)

16. Shift between the last server and DMs – Ctrl + Alt + → (Windows) | Ctrl + Option + → (macOS)

Discord Hotkeys for Messages

17. Edit a message – E

18. Delete a message – Backspace

19. Pin a message – P

20. Reply to a message – R

21. React to a message – +

22. Copy message text – Ctrl + C (Windows) | Cmd + C (macOS)

23. Mark the message as Unread – Alt + Enter (Windows) | Option + Enter (macOS)

24. Focus text area – Tab

25. Mark server as read – Shift + Esc

26. Mark top inbox channel as read – Ctrl + Shift + E (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + E (macOS)

27. Mark channel as read – Esc

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (7)

28. Create a private group – Ctrl + Shift + T (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + T (macOS)

29. Show pinned messages – Ctrl + P (Windows) | Cmd + P (macOS)

30. Open inbox – Ctrl + I (Windows) | Cmd + I (macOS)

31. Show channel members list – Ctrl + U (Windows) | Cmd + U (macOS)

32. Open emoji picker – Ctrl + E (Windows) | Cmd + E (macOS)

33. Open GIF picker – Ctrl + G (Windows) | Cmd + G (macOS)

Discord Shortcuts for Voice and Video Calls

34. Mute calls – Ctrl + Shift + M (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + M (macOS)

35. Enable deafen – Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows) | Cmd + Shift + D (macOS)

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (8)

36. Start a new call – Ctrl + ‘ (Windows) | Cmd + ‘ (macOS)

37. Answer Discord call – Ctrl + Enter (Windows) | Cmd + Enter (macOS)

Customizing Discord Keyboard Shortcuts

If the current Discord hotkeys don’t align with your preferences, you can customize them according to your choice. This is called Keybinds in Discord. Here are the steps to customize Discord keyboard shortcuts:

Step 1: Open Discord and click User Settings (Gear icon).

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (9)

Step 2: Choose Keybinds and choose ‘Add a Keybind.’

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (10)

Step 3: Select the function from the drop-down menu under Action.

Step 4: Click Record Keybind and type the keys you want to use.

37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (11)

You can click the keyboard icon again to edit the Keybind. To disable the Keybind, you can toggle it off and delete it by clicking the X button.

Discord at Your Finger Tips

There’s no doubt that with these Discord keyboard shortcuts, you can elevate your experience and save time instead of navigating through the menu and options. We have ensured to keep this guide simple and easy so that no matter if you’re a Discord newbie or a seasoned user, you can use these Discord shortcuts with ease.

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37 Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (2024)


How to use Discord keyboard combos? ›

Discord Shortcuts for Channels
  1. Switch between channels: Alt + Arrow Key Up/Down.
  2. Switch between unread channels: Alt + Shift + Arrow Key Up/Down.
  3. Mark a channel as read: Esc.
  4. Go back to the previous text channel: Ctrl + B.
  5. Go back to the active audio channel: Ctrl + Alt + A.
  6. Display the list of channel members: Ctrl + U.
Mar 23, 2022

What is the shortcut for Discord on PC? ›

Discord Key Combinations
Toggle QuickSwitcherctrl + k
Create or join a serverctrl + shift + n
Mark server readshift + esc
25 more rows

How do I open Discord keyboard combos on Mac? ›

Discord Hotkeys: The Full List [Mac]
  1. Show all Discord keyboard shortcuts: Cmd + /
  2. Search for servers, channels, or DMs (Toggle Quickswitcher): Cmd + K.
  3. Create a new server/ join a server: Cmd + Shift + N.
  4. Search: Cmd + F.
  5. Get help: Cmd + Shift + H.
  6. Scroll chat up or down: PageUp, PageDn.

How do I see all Discord hotkeys? ›

Switch between servers: Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Key Up/Down. Mark a server as read: Shift + Esc.. On Windows, you can press 'Ctrl + /', and on Mac, you can press 'Cmd + /' to view the list of all available Discord keyboard shortcuts..

How to get Discord Easter Eggs? ›

Clicking the Discord logo in the top left corner 16 times will cause a voice to say "Discordo", a typical Japanese pronunciation of Discord. The audio will continue to play every time you open the app. To disable it, click the logo 16 times again.

What is the arrow key Easter egg on Discord? ›

This fun Discord easter egg, which is only available in the desktop app, will play synthesized musical notes similar to DDR music. You can open the keyboard shortcuts window in the Discord desktop app by pressing Ctrl + / (Windows) or Cmd + / (Mac), then press any arrow key on your keyboard (left, up, right, down).

What are the Keybinds for Discord? ›

The REALLY Useful Stuff:
Navigate Between ServersControl + ALT + Arrow Key UP & Control + ALT + Arrow Key DOWN
Return to Previous Text ChannelALT + Right Arrow Key
Toggle MuteControl + Shift + M
Toggle DeafenControl + Shift + D
Get HelpControl + Shift + H
23 more rows
Jun 17, 2020

What does Ctrl B do in Discord? ›

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard ShortcutAction
Mark Server ReadShift + Escape
Toggle HotkeysControl + Slash
Return to Previous Text ChannelControl + B
Return to Active Audio ChannelControl + ALT + A
24 more rows

What does Alt+C do in Discord? ›

There are two ways to create Clips while you're streaming. First, while streaming a game you can press on the keybinding that you set to clip (default is ALT+C). If you have Game Overlay turned on, you'll even see a pop-up that shows a clip was created and you'll hear a sound to confirm a clip has been created.

How to add keybinds on Discord Mac? ›

About This Article
  1. Click the gear icon.
  2. Click Keybinds.
  3. Click Add a Keybind.
  4. Click X or press Esc to close the keybind menu.
Apr 4, 2024

How do I use Discord on Mac? ›

To download the Desktop app for MacOS, first head over to the Download Page in your preferred browser.
  1. Tap on the Download for Mac button to download the app.
  2. Open the Discord. dmg file.
  3. Drag the Discord logo and drop it over the Applications folder in the pop-up window.
Oct 18, 2023

How do I access Discord secret control panel? ›

Download Discord from its official site. Double-click the installed file and install it on your computer. Once installed, navigate to the notification bar and right-click the Discord icons. Then you will see the greyed-out Top Secret Control Panel feature.

How do you use keyboard mode in Discord? ›

To start navigating in Keyboard Mode, simply press Tab.

Once you're in Keyboard Mode, you'll see a blue Focus Ring appear around the element that currently has focus. This ring will move around as you navigate. For the most part, the Tab key will move you through everything in the app.

How do you go to the next line when typing in Discord? ›

Just press “Shift + Enter” to go down a line on Discord while typing a message. Do press and hold the Shift key first, and press the Enter. Otherwise, if you press Enter first, it will send your message out immediately instead of going down a line.

How to use keybinds in Discord? ›

About This Article
  1. Click the gear icon.
  2. Click Keybinds.
  3. Click Add a Keybind.
  4. Click X or press Esc to close the keybind menu.
Apr 4, 2024


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