Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (2024)

This article serves as a general guide to color theory and color schemes for men’s fashion; so, get that pen and paper ready. If this is your first time getting into men’s fashion and you’re just trying to get the hang of the ropes, don’t worry: it’s all simpler than it looks!

Intro to the Color Wheel

Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (1)

Primary colors: the primary colors are the, well, primary ones in the wheel. They’re typically the most noticeable and notable, so seeing them on clothes kind of makes you like a fire truck. The three primary colors of the wheel are red, blue, and yellow. Keep in mind that Primary colors should be used sparingly due to their harshness on the eyes; having too many of them in one outfit can look heavily saturated like a clown had puked on you.

Secondary colors: the secondary colors of the wheel include orange, green, and violet. If you’re just getting the hang of fashion, these are going to be your best friend. Easy to work with outfits and softer on the eyes, these are going to be your best friend when trying to make your outfits look nicer.

Tertiary: these are all the colors in between the secondary colors, they’re more subtle than the secondary colors and are even more obscure in hue, so there’s a limitless amount of these.

Complementary colors: this is the fundamental color pairing. It’s also the easiest, so typically you’d start with this. Here’s how it works.

  1. Pick a color on the wheel.
  2. Pick the color directly opposite of it.
  3. For instance, red and green are complementary.
  4. Wear these and they should compliment one another.

Note that you should be careful with using this. Direct complementary colors “technically” work well with one another, but it’s very easy for them to be too hard on the eyes.

The Best Color Scheme for Men’s Fashion: Split Complementary

The best way to avoid complementary colors’s hardness on the eyes is to simply use split complementary colors. Here’s how it works.

  1. Pick a color on the wheel.
  2. Pick the color directly opposite of it.
  3. Select the two colors right next to the one directly opposite of the color you originally chose in step one.
  4. Wear these and they should make a split complement.
Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (2)

For example, the split complementary of orange is violet and green. To make it look even nicer, use more tertiary colors to pair with your complementary colors.

Remember that the general rule of color schemes in men’s fashion is to have a balance of forces. Grey pants can tone down the loudness of any strong and vibrant color.

Black and White Clothes on Men

Black and white typically always works on any outfit. It’s usually like this: White shoes, black stretch jeans, white shirt, black cardigan. Of course, this can make the outfit look “matchy matchy” and this gives the illusion that the color scheme is “childish”, but technically, it works.Another problem is that black and white clothes can be “tense”. You want to avoid this tension because tense color combinations like black and white can make you look tense too! The last thing you want your outfit to do is make you look like you’re flexing every single muscle in your body because you can’t stand social interaction!

Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (3)

I’d recommend the only black and white combination you make be a white casual button shirt, white shoes (don’t worry, they’re cheaper than Common Projects), and black pants.Remember to give it some decoration so you don’t look like some stone wall.

Just, y’know, make sure they’re white casual shoes and not the clunky dad ones, unless that’s what you’re going for.

This outfit typically goes well with an olive jacket like a slim bomber or a parka jacket. Just remember to never be afraid of changing things up with your wardrobe or making mistakes, lest you become every other basic asian bro. Unless, again, that’s what you’re looking for!

Oh, also, don’t wear a black suit. The only time you would wear a black suit is if you’re from a movie or if you’re in a funeral.

Colors For Your Body Type

The one thing to keep in mind is that white makes you look bigger than you actually are. So if you could do with cutting down a few pounds, adapting a keto diet, or are too scared of looking even slightly larger than normal, then avoid white whenever you can. Black on the other hand makes your body look slimmer. So, if that’s what you’re into, you can make your silhouette slimmer and fitter by wearing more black.

Speaking of wearing black, be careful of the hype you hear in the fashion community.

There’s a joke in the fashion community that you never shop at Gap, and as a result, never Banana Republic, because one has to “Be better than The Gap.” It was inspired by a movie starring Ryan Gosling, where he takes an unfashionable train wreck to sort out his closet. While that’s mostly true, and most stuff in the Gap is atrocious, here’s something Ryan Gosling got wrong: Banana Republic, which is practically the same as the Gap but with different companies, actually makes decently good Fine Merino wool black sweaters.

Yeah, literally. If your range is 30-100 per sweater, stick to the Merino wool sweaters from Banana Republic. They’re actually good; everything else, well, Ryan Gosling was right about everything else…

Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (4)

Remember to have colors that work with your skin type. Try not to wear colors that resemble or are very close to the skin tone you have. This can, in some very weird way, make your outfit look like it’s blending into your naked body. Yeah, that’s kind of a weird way of putting it, but you’ll get what we mean when you see it.

So for example, don’t wear light brown or tan clothing when your skin tone is light brown or tan: you’ll look like your outfit is merging with your skin. Try to have something that contrasts with your skin tone like a more rich and dark navy blue blazer. Yeah, okay, you’ll look like any other upper-middle class gay guy from New York, but those guys look nice!

Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (5)

If you have a very, very dark skin tone, try to avoid very dark colors in clothing and make the primary colors work in your favor. The saturated colors will stand out and you won’t have to worry about looking like a clown puked on you!

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Color Scheme Samples

You can find some of the best color schemes made for you with this site right here. It’s usually best to use something like Pastel colors and Earthy colors in your outfits. Just make sure to separate them so that they don’t look like they’re at war with one another. One outfit for earth tones, another for Pastel colors. We also have a selection of colors that we thought to be the safest colors to work with in your outfit. You can’t screw up with these!

Safe colors





Dark-Orange (in small amounts)

Dark Red,

Black (Not in Suits)

One last thing. This goes for all of our articles, but these are general rules. The only time you would follow our rules without breaking a single one is if you haven’t ever looked into color schemes for men’s fashion in your life. Follow these rules for a good foundation, but remember not to be afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. Have fun with it too! That’s the reason why people can continue to make their outfits look amazing: they’re not torturing themselves to make things perfect; they’re improving their outfits but also having fun with it!

Got other burning questions about color schemes for men’s fashion? Want to improve your outfits make heads turn? Have a chat with us! Don’t worry, we’re not the snobby fashion types! (sometimes!)

As someone deeply immersed in the world of men's fashion and color theory, it's evident that mastering the art of color coordination can elevate one's style game to new heights. My experience extends beyond just a surface-level understanding; I've delved into the nuances of color psychology and the impact it has on fashion choices. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article to provide a comprehensive understanding:

Color Wheel Basics: The color wheel is the foundation of understanding color relationships in fashion. Primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) are fundamental, but caution is advised due to their potential for visual harshness when overused. Secondary colors (orange, green, and violet) offer versatility and softer aesthetics. Tertiary colors, lying between secondary colors, provide even more subtlety and variation.

Complementary Colors: Complementary colors, positioned opposite each other on the color wheel, create a dynamic contrast. While effective, their direct use should be tempered to avoid overwhelming visual impact. The article rightly suggests caution, acknowledging that balance is key in men's fashion.

Split Complementary Color Scheme: The article introduces the split complementary color scheme as an effective solution to reduce visual tension. By selecting a base color and pairing it with the two adjacent colors to its complementary, this scheme achieves harmony with a nuanced touch. Tertiary colors are recommended to enhance the overall aesthetic.

Black and White in Men's Fashion: Black and white form a classic, timeless combination. However, the article advises against excessive use, as it can create a monotonous or "matchy-matchy" look. It wisely recommends breaking the monotony with well-chosen accessories and avoiding the all-black suit unless it serves a specific purpose.

Colors for Body Type: The article provides valuable insights into how color choices can influence perceptions of body size. White is said to add visual weight, while black tends to have a slimming effect. Practical advice includes selecting colors that contrast with one's skin tone to avoid blending into the clothing.

Color Scheme Samples: A resource is suggested for finding pre-made color schemes, emphasizing the use of pastel and earthy tones. The importance of separating these tones in different outfits is highlighted to prevent clashes. The article also offers a list of "safe colors" like olive, wine, navy, white, dark-orange (in small amounts), dark red, and black (excluding suits).

In conclusion, this guide provides a solid foundation for navigating the intricate world of color theory in men's fashion. While presenting established rules, it encourages experimentation and fun, reinforcing the idea that true style emerges when one is not afraid to step outside their comfort zone. For those seeking further guidance, the article invites questions and assures readers that the journey into men's fashion need not be intimidating.

Color Schemes for Men's Fashion - ShortSides (2024)


What are the fashion color rules for men? ›

Men with higher contrasting features should dress with equally contrasting colors, such as wearing dark slacks with a light shirt. Men with lighter contrasting features should try to wear outfits that follow a monochromatic color scheme — for instance, pants and shirts of a beige, brown or gray coloring.

How to match outfit colors for men? ›

10 Best Clothing Colour Combination Ideas for Men
  1. Black & White. Also known as monochrome, the black and white clothing colour combination is ingrained in every person's wardrobe as a staple, no matter the pieces.
  2. Pink & Grey. ...
  3. Blue & White. ...
  4. Olive Green & Brown. ...
  5. Yellow & Blue. ...
  6. Monotone. ...
  7. Light Blue & Black. ...
  8. Red & Beige.

What 3 colors go well together? ›

Sets of 3 colors that go great together
  • Yellow, red, and blue.
  • Green, orange, and purple.
  • Teal, magenta, and gold.

What is the color rule in clothing? ›

Pair no more than three colours per outfit, unless you're including black or white as an additional accent.

What colors look best on men? ›

Cool tones like navy blue, emerald green, and charcoal grey can add depth and contrast to your skin, while warm tones like rust, olive green, and burnt orange can bring out the natural warmth in your complexion.

What is the 3 colour rule in fashion? ›

The idea is to keep your outfit to no more than 3 colours. This way, your outfit will look well-planned and intentional. For example, my outfit is a blend of white & green; accented with gold jewelries and metals.

How do you match color shorts? ›

Colourful Shorts

Bright yellow shorts go brilliantly with a short sleeved, navy linen shirt or a subtle grey polo shirt. Otherwise, a bright blue pair of shorts can be teamed with a smart white shirt for a dazzling contrast.

What 3 colors Cannot be mixed together? ›

Painters' subtractive primary colors are red, yellow and blue. These three hues are called primary because they cannot be made with mixtures of other pigments."

What are the 7 different kinds of color schemes? ›

The seven major color schemes are monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, square, and rectangle (or tetradic). Let's examine each type of color scheme in more detail.

What are the 2 best colours that go together? ›

Orange and blue sit across the color wheel from each other, making them complementary colors. The warmth of the tangerine orange is balanced by the cool teal tone, creating a well-balanced color scheme. It's a beautiful color combination for a fresh, dynamic look, and a youthful glow.

What color goes with every outfit? ›

Neutral colors like shades of white, beige, camel, shades of gray, brown, and black can easily match each other. To make your outfits look more personal and stylish, choose clothes that have a unique design, decorative elements, or interesting textures.

What is the 60 30 10 rule? ›

This decorating rule suggests that you should cover your room with 60% of a dominant color, 30% of a secondary color, and 10% of an accent shade. It is all about maintaining the perfect balance of tones. Pick colors that mingle well with each other to create a subtle combo.

What are the suit colors rules? ›

  • Begin with the suit color as a basepoint (blue, gray/black, or brown).
  • Add a second or accent color for the shirt. ...
  • The necktie should be in the color family of the suit and pick up (repeat) the shirt color. ...
  • The shirt should be lighter than the suit; the tie should be darker than the shirt.
Aug 16, 2019

Are men not allowed to wear pink? ›

The idea that pink is exclusively for women is a misconception that has persisted for too long. Real men wear pink, and for good reason. Embracing pink not only breaks down outdated gender stereotypes but also adds a vibrant, versatile, and stylish dimension to your wardrobe.

What is colour blocking for men? ›

Color-blocking outfits have become a popular trend in fashion, offering a creative way to elevate outfits and make bold statements. By combining contrasting colors in solid blocks, you can create visually striking, stylish, and attention-grabbing ensembles.

What color stands out to men? ›

The article suggests this may be why men prefer colors with short wavelengths, like darker shades of blue and green, or they prefer shades without any wavelengths at all, like white, black, and gray.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.