Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 11 - ShadowDrake (2024)

Narrator Pov

Y/n was sound asleep on his bed at home, he was still unconscious after his battle with Riser. The devils wanted to bring him to their facilities to make his recovery swift, but Sirzechs intervened by stating.

Sirzechs: "If anything you might slow down his recovery, I have faith in his abilities so he will go with my sister and her friends back to Kuoh."

The devils didn't wish to anger their lord, so they dropped the matter, Rias wanted to bring him to the ORC but was shot down by Silva who was against it. He was brought home and left to himself in his room, his arm was wrapped in bandages along with his torso and left eye, his breathing was rough and small groans left his mouth with each breath. Silva was sat down with Tiamat, Raynare and Ahri, all being worried for their beloved'shealth; Tiamat seemed calm but was the most distraught, her connection to him did give her a better insight to his condition so she was aware of the damage done to his mana circuits, they would heal in time, but he would need to be careful.

In was around midday, Tiamat picked up the items needed and made her way to his room, they took turns changing the bandages, she closed the door behind her and with a flick of a wrist his old bandages came loose, his breathing was softer with the passing time which was a small relief to the dragon god. She removed the old wraps revealing the damage on his body, the right arm was badly singed still with small cracks tracing along his forearm, his left eye was fine, but the flesh was badly burnt and scarred. His back was the worst overall, after wrapping his arm and eye she lifted him carefully to reveal the damage done, the skin was a charred black and rough to the touch. She herself wasn't sure if it would heal given it was done by a cursed flame, she was now done and left the room with some relief, completely unaware of his hand twitching and his eye slowly opening.

Y/n: 'I'm back home, wonde-'(Out loud) " Agh!"

He clutched his arm but swiftly let it go as the pain only worsened with the sudden contact, he hissed through his teeth and saw the bandages, he then realized half his vision was gone but he could feel the wraps against his head. He calmed his breathing as the pain faded but he was careful, getting off the bed was hard at first, but he managed it eventually, he made his way to a nearby mirror just to evaluate the damage.

Y/n: "System give me an update on my status."

[Current status]

Health reduced by 25% due to Burns afflicted by Wrath Curse

Mana reduced by 50% due to Corrupt mana by Wrath Curse

Y/n: "What's the best way to heal the Curses affect?"

[Holy magic can alleviate the symptoms, but to fully heal an item blessed with holy properties is needed]

Y/n sighs softly before conjuring a holy spell, a small glow envelops him and the pain had subsided for now, he opens the door and makes his way to the living room. Once there he saw everyone looking sad but hopeful, he smiles before stepping out and gaining their attention straight away. They rush over and hug him softly, being careful to avoid his injuries, and smother him with kisses, they all sat down and felt relieved he was awake now but still felt saddened by his current state.

Silva: "So Y/n, what was that thing covering you after the armor? It looked like an organic shell."

Ahri: "Huh? Did your armor change more after that little upgrade I did?"

Y/n: "I guess, it was the armor's transformed state. It had its own skill set and that was the transformation skill, the other two were passive."

Tiamat: "If I'm not mistaken, they were 'Self-repair' and 'Adaptive Protection'. Those together make an excellent combination, but I assume you didn't have time to look them over since it was during a battle."

With a small laugh Y/n opens the screen to reveal his newest skills and their respective descriptions.


MaximizeMagic - lvl 1

Unleash thefull potential of a spell. Skill is triggered by saying the keyword before a spell. Keyword: Maximize.

Mp of spell used is increased. Control is reduced by 40%

No Mp cost.

Double Impact - lvl 1

Release kinetic force on impact allowing for a second blow. Gauntlets required, deals half damage of the first impact.

500 Mp cost

[Armor set skills]

Self-repair(Passive)- Max lvl

Armor repairs itself with mana from the wearer.

100 Mp cost

Adaptive Protection(Passive)- Max lvl

Armor adapts during battle to improve protection for wearer. Uses available skills wearer has to provide protection from elemental attacks. Resets once battle has finished.

300 Mp cost

Awaken (Transformation) - lvl 1

Armor becomes an organic shell that fuses with the wearer. Heightens physical abilities while reducing the armors protectivecapability by 20%. Pushes the armors other skills to the limit.

No Mp cost

They all read the descriptions and needless to say the armor's skills were by far his favorite, he spendsa few minutes talking with the girls while trying to avoid itching his injuries, it was so frustrating. They took notice and could only giggle at his predicament before stating they could understand, Silva and Raynare soon left to attend to their jobs but not before giving him a peck on the cheek and wishing him well. Ahri was lazing down on the sofa, and he finally took notice that outside wasn't the 'Kamui' dimension, but instead Kuoh. So how was Tiamat in a physical form?

Tiamat: "You really should learn to keep your thoughts quiet darling. (Y/n blushes a bit) As for your question, the girls were kind enough to aid me with an idea, using my Creation power I could make a body to inhabit telepathically while keeping true self inside your sacred gear."

Y/n: "Why didn't you do this earlier then? It seems to be quite easy for you, considering your true power and all that."

Tiamat: "Unfortunately the system you have limit the amount of power I can actually use at a time, don't feel bad about it though I like a challenge. The girls helped me go through all the items you have stored; the dimension seems to link with your 'inventory', so it was useful. We found a few dragon bones and scales that Ahri mentioned, we used them as a base and I was able to make the body you see now, what do you think."

She spins around before looking at him and leaning forward with a cute smile, it was almost identical to her original form but smaller in most aspects, she wore a white sweater with black leggings, and she had horn like hairclips for her hair.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 11 - ShadowDrake (1)

Y/n: "It's beautiful, honestly I believe it would be if crafted by your own magic and hands."

She giggles and kisses his cheek as she walks away with big smile before saying she doesn't mind the being addressed by her new nickname which he smiled at, Y/n began to muck about with his spells to pass time, he was given a few days off school as to avoid his injuries worsening, but it got boring already for him.

Y/n Pov

Y/n: 'So bored!! Got nothing from the system and all my schoolwork is done, a few days off was fun before but now it's annoying. Maybe I can run through the weaker dungeons to pass time? Nah, done that before so no point.'

With nothing to do for the time being my MS appears in my eye and I appear in Kamui, need to have a better name for this place, I walk around to get the layout of the area. I came across a few points of interest like storage units, a blacksmith and armory, cooking station and etc. The last was the most interesting though, a training room, the outside was very clean and well-built but was still welcoming like the rest of the town. I entered the building only to end up in a black void, I felt no shift in the air or even in the mana, it was confusing for a while before a screen appeared before me.

Begin [training] [?]

[Yes] [No]

I was confused at first but noticed the question mark and pressed on it with a general understanding for its purpose.

[Use the training function to hone skills in battle. Restrictions can be placed to increase or lower difficulty]

I ponder on the thought before the stinging sensation came back, the battle with Riser was a challenge so I should use this chance to hone my skills more. I hit yes as the void began to generate an open field with a sunset in the background, options for restrictions came up and I opted for magic and some physical skills to be blocked, along with my inventory being inaccessible.

Y/n: 'I have used them a bit too much, should use my natural abilities and not outside sources to improve.'

[Samurai battleground has been selected at random]

I pull a katana along with a bow out, the quiver already being with it. I was going to fasten the katanas sheath to my side, but the armor was first to act surprisingly. It molded a holster for both the weapons, katana on my left side and the bow on my back, the quiver being on my other side. It then covered my upper body and forearms in a samurai style type of armor, the left half of my face getting an Oni mask with my sight returning, albeit with my left eye now pure red.

Y/n: 'Well that's handy to say the least, should see if it can remain like this after the training.'

I look around as a few armored samurai spawn in and draw their swords, others being farther back and drawing their bows. I grasp my sheath and use my thumb to push the blade out, my right now drawing the blade out as I use both to hold it while getting into my stance.

Y/n: 'let's put all the training the kendo clubs gave me to use then.'

I pay attention to the archers more before a lone samurai charge at me and attempts and downward slash before I parry with my blade, a few archers take aim at me ready to fire, I position my foe in the way just as they fire. He has them dig into his back while groaning from it, I push my sword to the side as he was distracted and thrust the blade through his chest before removing it, grabbing his katana as it fell from his grasp. I pivot around and block two more samurai step into the fray and both swung at me, holding the new katana in a reverse grip I was able to parry both, but it wasn't the best positioning.

I put more power into my feet and spin around on the spot, pushing them back and off-balance. I hold both katanas parallel with each other and slash the nearest foe across his chest before using the momentum to swiftly spin again and cut his throat, blood sprayed out and covered me as I jumped back avoiding a few arrows and glared at the remaining foes.

Y/n: "Two down and the rest will fall."

Narrator Pov - Kuoh Academy

Many rumors had already been spread about Y/n's absence, some about him being ill, others about him being arrested for illegal substances or causing fights, though those ones were from all the boys that were simply jealous of him for one reason or another. But the ones that knew the truth were more concerned for his health, they were informed by Silva and Raynare of him now being up and about sooner than expected, Issei felt a bit happier knowing that. Rias was currently discussing matters with Silva, but really she wanted to gain a better understanding of how strong Y/n truly is.

Rias: "Please don't try and lie about this, we all saw firsthand that he is more capable than it seems."

Silva was not wanting to divulge any info about him, but Rias was pushy on this matter and wouldn't leave her alone. She didn't want Y/n to return to school only to be met with these questions straight away so she would deal with it now for him, but she doesn't have to give Rias everything straight away.

Silva: "To get your main questions out the way first, I nor Raynare know Y/n's true limits. We also don't know if he has used it before, we know he took on fallen angels before, but I assume the fight with Riser was the first time he used such strength."

Rias: "I see, but I must ask about his wellbeing. Riser has been looked over and while he will recover, his body will be affected by that curse."

Silva: "Y/n is doing fine so far, I think he was impacted more than Riser given how he took all the corrupt mana into himself without the any defense against."

Rias: "But Riser was the source of that mana."

Silva: "Yes but the curse manifested in him thus giving him the power to survive its affects, yet Y/n wasn't in that position thus he was affected more. His body is scarred badly but he should hopefully heal with time and maybe the right treatments."

Rias remained quiet as she remembered old tales about the curses or rather the rarer and thus stronger curses, the Seven Deadly Sins. They were the oldest of all the curses in world, they were so famous that even the Four Great Satans of old held them in high regard, which was quite the feat. God had used his power to seal them away in hoping they would be forgotten, but during the Great war he was forced to let them back onto the world to defeat the Four Great Satans. He was unfortunately caught in the attack and was too weak to seal them away again, they have plagued the world since and have been known to manifest when they choose.

Rias: "I must admit though it was truly impressive he could be beat a cursed individual, they are meant to quite the challenge."

Silva gave a small smile at the compliment before leaving the room without another word, Rias didn't stop as they both had their own duties to attend. She crossed paths with Raynare who seemed to be more relaxed, but she would ask why later, now she had a class to teach. She entered and saw most of the girls talking together while the boys were chatting about sports or what activities they will do later. She noticed Issei near the window while his two friends went on about the kind of p*rn magazines they recently got or the kinds of pictures they managed to get while he was away. Issei wasn't really paying attention as he stared out the window which finally caught the attention of the two.

Matsuda: "Yo Issei, are you paying attention to this or not?"

Motohama: "Hmm, are you perhaps thinking about Rias' beautiful breasts or Akeno's majestic mammaries."

Issei: "Huh? Oh no, I'm not thinking about thinking about them."

They both went slacked jawed and fell out of their seats gaining the attention of everyone, they held each other while crying and sobbing about who the imposter was. Silva looked at Issei and took note of his eyes holding a hint of longing, he was in love, but it seemed he didn't know it yet. She had a general idea of who it could be but for now she was to focus on the class as a whole and not a single individual.

Silva: "Alright everyone lesson will begin shortly, but first attendance."

She proceeds with the register while everyone answered respectively, the duo pervs whispered about her chest and how they were blessed with a bombshell for a teacher. She grew tired of it and set the register down hard making them go silent, with a calm stare she easily quieted the boys before commencing the lesson.


The trio were sat under a tree near the ORC, the two boys figured Issei could convince Rias and the others they were there to only relax, using his new status as a member of their club. Issei didn't argue knowing they were focused on other matters; they were planning when they would peek on the Kendo club giving that Y/n was absent for the time being.

This only led to them talking about how unfair it was he got all the hot chicks to himself while they got a beating from him, Matsuda attempted to pull Issei into the discussion by asking about his time with the club.

Matsuda: "Issei did you see anything good while away, come on man give us the details."

Issei: "No I didn't see anything; I only learnt a few things from the club and a lot from Y/n."

Motohama: "Wait, hold on a second. Why was Y/n with the occult club? He wasn't a member, and you would have told us if he was."

Issei: "No he isn't, Rias just wanted him to provide help in return for a favor I think."

Matsuda: "Man, I bet he's gonna use that as a chance to get her in bed, why is he so lucky man."

Motohama: "I know bro, it's so unfair."

Issei only chuckled with their antics, this annoyed them however and they attempted to hit Issei out of jealously. He reacted in a way the two weren't expecting by blocking Motohama and putting Matsuda into an arm lock. He let him go after a few seconds with his friend holding his shoulder in some pain, he rubbed his neck nervously as they both asked how he did that.

Issei: "That was something Y/n taught me, he's quite a fighter but also a nice guy once you get to know him."

Both: "Are you ditching us for him?!"

Issei: "No, no, no. I see him like a friend, like how we three are."

They calm down but grumble about the apparent betrayal he's done, he only signed as they went on with their day. We now go over to Sona who was writing up reports for most of the clubs, some had nearly been disbanded due to lack of funding but during the time ORC was away, the academy had a received a large donation for all the clubs so they could keep stable for a while. Most of the staff figured it was a wealthy relative of one member or another, but Sona had a hunch it was Y/n given how he saw the documents about the funding and which ones were in dire need. She was curious about how he obtained such wealth but unfortunately couldn't ask him.

Speaking about Y/n, we see him clashing with a samurai twice his size, bodies laid around the two as the larger man towered over Y/n with his katana. He kicked the man's knee as hard as he could bringing the man to one knee and a receiving an arrow lodged into his shoulder, the small boy jumps back to draw his bow and fires an arrow at his foe with the latter howling from the pain but still fighting on. Y/n's armor had a few dents and marks from the long battle, this was the last foe to beat, and he was difficult as expected. He got to a low position holding his katana to the hand with both hands and charged forth with all his might, the foe gripped his weapon harder and stood tall with his blade now above him going for an overhead strike. Both attacks will end the fight if they land, But Y/n was quicker.

He was now past the large man on one knee with the latter in the same position, they remained still for a time before Y/n stands up revealing a cut from his shoulder to his torso, he made his way to the front of his kneeling foe to deliver the final strike but was stopped to see him holding his own katana in front of him with both hands, Y/n understood the gesture and held the blade with a firm grip. The man lowered his head with no further words needed, Y/n walked to the side and held the sword high before he swung it down the man's nape. His body dropped to the floor with his head, grabbing the empty sheath Y/n flicked the blood off and sheathed the blade before placing it next to his fallen foe. The area began to dissolve back to the black void it was before.

Y/n: "Heh, that was a way to pass time. Might as well rest for a bit."

He walks out from the building and the armor itself faded away slowly while leaving the parts covering his burns, his eye remained red, but a simple illusion spell would cover it well. He made warped back home and sees Ahri and Tia reading a few books together, he quickly checks on the fridge,but it barely has any food.

Y/n: "I'm heading to the shops, want anything in particular?"

Tia: "I'm fine dear, but I think Ahri would like a fish."

He smiles and before heading out the door casts the illusion he needed, it was quite peaceful in the street, everyone was focused on themselves allowing him to simply walk past them all without being noticed. He did looks around and saw a few unfortunate people outside a couple shops or other businesses that had been closed recently due to late payments or the owners of the building upping the price for no reason. He didn't like the sight of it, so he planned a detour on his way back.


The managers of the businesses remained outside their now closed employment, half of them wanted to end it here while the others had no hope. They saw the same debt collectors walking their way, but a young man was with them, several of them walked over to each manager before handing them a few documents and the keys to the building with it. At first they were confused before they read the documents which stated they were back in business under a new owner.

Managers: "Umm sir, what is this about a new owner and who is it?"

Debt collector: "The young man next to me purchased all the buildings that your respective business is in, he is now the owner and thus is the one you work with. He has also paid for all the payments you missed for this month. Have a good day."

They all left together after giving the young man who is obviously Y/n a set of keys, he waved them off as the reality settled in to all the men, they could finally be back in business. But they wondered what the Y/n would enforce on them, would he be greedy and make them pay more altogether, force them to change the entire business as a whole, or-

Y/n: "I'm not sure how much you all are comfortable paying each month, so I only ask for 5% of the monthly profit while the rest can be sorted out between your employees. Does that sound agreeable?"

They all stopped thinking at that moment, the wind being the only sound to be heard between them all. As the men stared toward Y/n he only gave a soft-hearted smile that showed he was being serious, they calmed down as they began to discuss the rest of the details inside the cafe which now belonged to Y/n, the managers were happy to have a such a considerate and kind owner now supporting them. They emailed all their staff the good news and all were happy the shops and businesses were going to remain open.

Y/n soon left after his new business partners nearly drowned him with their gratitude, he felt happy help to keep their lives afloat in these hard times, he walked home after discreetly pulling the bought goods before his little detour and slotted his legal documents into his inventory for safekeeping. As he neared the street his home was on, he glances to the sun now setting in the distance, it was a beautiful sight that caused him to stop for the moment.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 11 - ShadowDrake (2)

As the light faded away to let the night sky reveal itself, Y/n enjoyed the atmosphere for a little longer. But he suddenly felt a disturbance in the mana surrounding Kuoh, it was from two separate points altogether, yet he didn't know how to identify it until he held his head in agony like before, it was without a doubt a holy presence, but they all varied. He couldn't manage the pain before it all stopped with the pain fading quickly. Without wasting a second he entered his home and was greeted by his lovers with kisses and hugs, he began making dinner while informing them of the disturbance he felt a moment ago which they also felt.

Y/n: "Glad to know I wasn't the only one."

Tia: "Oh Y/n, I was wondering why you took so long making your way back?"

Y/n: "To sum it all up, I saw a few businesses nearly closed for lack of payment and such, so I intervened and now own several businesses to say the least."

The girls looked at him for a second before half sighed and shook their heads while the other half giggled and smiled, they knew he was a kind man when the moment called for it. Tia jokingly offered a reward for the kindness he showed today which made Y/n nearly drop the plates he was carrying and blush a bit.

Y/n: "Not now though, how about in a few days or so?"

Tia smiled while the other three blushed red and he finally caught on to the joke, but Tia now said it was a deal, he composed himself and they all enjoyed dinner together with Tia basking in the flavor and loving it to bits. Soon they all head to bed, they were planning to let Y/n sleep by himself due to his injuries,but he stated he didn'tmind and enjoyedtheir company which they happily took.


It's been a week since Y/n woke and so far, everything is normal in Kuoh. Rias and Sona visited Y/n on separate occasions to see how he is and catch up with him, they both learnt of his new investment which made them question his financial wealth, but they didn't pry into the matter. A few of the peerage members came round to see him or ask for training which he didn't mind. It was mostly Tsubaki, Momo, and Reya from Sona's group and from Rias was mostly everyone except Kiba.

He enjoyed his time with Issei the most when training as they both would spar at their base level, Y/n's injuries not impacting him that much. After each session Issei would talk to him about some problems he had, most being about his technique or school, but there was the occasional talk of his heart beating when thinks of someone. Y/n said straight and simple that it was love with the devil pawn shrugging it off.

Koneko was also in the same boat as Issei, though she focused on her speed and dodging with Y/n giving ways to improve. She opened a bit about her past and concerning her Nekomata nature but didn't reveal too much. He did imply about using her power to improve which she flat out rejected, and he accepted it for now but made a note to help her overcome this hurdle. She mentioned she had a sister and how they were alone for a few years after their mother passed, he comforted her in this which made her smile a bit.

Momo and Reya asked for help with magic they had difficulty with,and he did the best he could with them both, they were surprised at how quickly they grasped it under his teaching. Tsubaki wanted to spar with him,and she mostly kept at range using her experience with magic and when at close range she used a staff to fight instead of her naginata. She did at one point reveal her Sacred Gear after Y/n showcased a refined low-tier spell could match her mid-tierspells, but he did promise to keep it a secret with her asking.

Akeno showcased her masoch*stic and sad*stic nature which did indeed frighten the young demon, her lightning showing why she was the Priestess of Thunder, especially with her personality. He was actually glad she held back although she did forget it was training at times and went all out which he could manage long enough before she realizes her error. Like Koneko, she found herself opening up to him about her past and actually surprising him with her fallen heritage,yet his eyes didn't view her any differently.

Y/n was glad they had come over to train or check on him, but he didn't mind the times he could relax. Asia was one of them that preferred relaxing with him, even going as far to fall asleep on him which he would follow after. He did worry for Kiba as for the past few days he hadn't been in contact with anyone which was suspicious.

With Kiba, he was walking around Kuoh at night before coming to a stop. His expression being one of anger and frustration with the sight before him, we loop around him to see Freed with the same deranged smile he had the day he made himself. He was giving Kiba the side eye like he was nothing important, the knight summoned a demonic sword to his side which earned a cackle from the pyscho before him.

Freed: "Nice sword devil, wanna see mine? It's a real cut above yours!"

He pulls out a sword with a diamond shape gap as a hilt while it basked in a golden aura, Kiba went wide eyed as he knew what the sword truly was, and it angered him to no end with his grip tightening on his blade.

Kiba: "I will kill you and break that sword!"

Freed: "Hahaha! Time to die!"

They charge at each other and clash their swords, Freed wearing his sickening smile while Kiba wore a scowl. They went back and forth with neither letting their guard down, yet Kiba was being far more aggressive than he is normally during combat, Freed wasn't fazed by it as he held an arrogant smile the entire time which only annoyed Kiba to no end. Kiba finally pushed his foe back with the latter complaining about his strength and how he needs to die for being a devil.

Kiba: "Be quiet, I don't care about you. I only care about destroying that fragment of Excalibur!"

Freed: "Hahaha, do you even know what fragment this is? It's the Excalibur Rapidly, or as I like to call it."

Freed suddenly disappeared making Kiba go wide eyed before the deranged foe reappears next to him, the sword swinging at him swiftly.

Freed: "The super-fast sword!"

Kiba tried to block but his sword was shattered upon contact with the holy swords edge cutting into his side before he was kicked away by his foe, he coughed violently while trying to keep his fresh wound closed with his shirt now stained with blood. Freed licked the blood on the edge of his sword while maintaining eye contact with Kiba, it was sickening to the very core.

Freed: "Your unholy blood tastes filthy, but I want the blood from the bastard who made me a bonfire! I can still feel those flames burning my very flesh, he must pain with his life for harming an exorcist of the church."

As he continued his rant about the past misdeeds done to him, Kiba quickly made a teleportation circle to leave, the glow caught Freed's attention and he charged forward and attempted behead the downed knight, but he was too late as he vanished from sight. He screamed in annoyance to the heavens before a few black feathers drop past his gaze and a malicious voice speaks out.

???: "Calm down boy, you can your fun another time."

Freed: "Ok boss, so long as I can have my fun with 'him'."

They both disappear into the night without a trace. Meanwhile Kiba was fortunate to have left in time, he appeared at the ORC main room and was met by all his peers looking worried at him. Asia quickly ran to his aid and began healing his wound while at the corner of his eye he spotted Y/n looking at him before he gave in to his fatigue.

Y/n Pov

After Kiba appeared with a near fatal wound, he was quickly healed with the aid of me, Akeno and Asia. He was laying on a sofa in the room with Rias looking him wearing a worried expression.

Y/n: "It's holy magic, right?"

Rias: "Yes, he must have come in contact with an exorcist or maybe a fallen angel."

I stared at Kiba's now healed side while subconsciously rubbing my right hand softly, I could sense traces of the holy element from Kiba, but I was curious as to what caused it. He began to mutter incoherent words in his slumber, but his brow furrowed when he said one word in particular that came out with venom.

Kiba: "Excalibur..."

Rias went wide eyed before backing up a bit and accidently bumping into me, she apologized before taking her seat at the desk and silence filled the room. I grew tired of it and asked the one question on my mind.

Y/n: "Ok, what's happened over the past week that I haven't been informed of yet? I'm asking this as a good friend and your honorary piece."

Rias: "You deserve to know, to make a long story short I visited Issei's household as his parents were concerned by about his injuries from our 'club trip'. They calmed down after a little lie and showed me a picture book of Issei, much to his embarrassment, and I saw picture of him and an old friend of his but in the background was a holy sword which caught my eye. After making a copy and showing it to everyone, Kiba then left without a word and has been missing since. I did try to contact him and even track him down, but he was always gone before we could find him."

Y/n: "Well my best guess is he came in contact with an exorcist wielding a holy sword, and one who is quite skilled at that."

Rias nods her head in agreement while I look over Kiba one more time before heading out, I stop at the door and tell them to keep me in the loop and that I will drop by a few times to check up with them. Rias found some comfort with my statement and wished me a steady recovery; I smile and leave after casting the illusion, I always dropped it around them since they knew the truth and wouldn't really question it.

After a few days the injuries had fully healed but the effects still remained, the afflicted areas had a darker pigment to them and felt a bit rougher, I knew they would become scars given the level of damage done to them, but I didn't mind it. I kept to my word and visited them and spent time with them all, eventually Kiba woke up and thankfully I was there to make sure he stayed to explain himself.

Kiba: "I'm sorry for how I acted Rias, please forgive me."

Rias: "Kiba. You are my knight, but before that you are my dear friend, so please don't run away like that again."

He remained quiet before looking over to me, his eyes showed regret but behind that was a fury thirsting for something I didn't know yet.

Y/n: "Kiba what made you act like that?"

He looks away before explaining his past and how he and his friends were part of an experiment called the 'Holy Sword Project' and that he was the only survivor, he then explained his desire to destroy the holy sword Excalibur which was the central focus of the project. His expression turned to a scowl before I place a hand on his shoulder.

Y/n: "Instead of going at it alone, we can aid you in this desire of yours. I mean look what happened when you went at it alone, you nearly died so let us help."

The others smiled as Kiba's expression softened before went wide eyes and looked up at me with an uneasy look.

Kiba: "By the way, my attacker did have a holy sword, it was an Excalibur fragment."

Y/n: "We can handle whoever it was buddy, don't worry."

Kiba: "That's the thing though, it was Freed, the exorcist from back then."

Asia went wide eyed with everyone else and started to shake in fear before I hug her softly with her holding me tightly. I stroke her hair as she calms down gradually before I speak up.

Y/n: "Then this time will be his end. But for now, you should recover your strength Kiba as you'll need it."

He nods in agreement as the others look towards me with complete trust in my words.

Narrator Pov

As they went about doing their own things with Asia remaining by Y/n's side, we shift our focus to a duo wearing white cloaks now entering the town, one held a sword which was wrapped in a white cloth in her arms while the other wore a white ribbon on her left arm.

???1: "This is where the stolen fragments are located."

???2: "This is where my childhood friend lives, I wonder how he's doing?"

???1: "You can daydream all you want after we complete our mission."

???2: "I'm not daydreaming! I'm just concerned for an old friend."

???1: "Whatever you say but let us head for the church in this town. We can rest there while we continue our mission."

They both head towards the abandoned church unaware of its current state, and the malicious presence watching them from above while smiling sickly.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 11 - ShadowDrake (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.