Winfield Daily Courier from Winfield, Kansas (2024)

THE INFIELD DAIJLY COUKJLKK, SATTJEDAY, JUXE 1896 AUSTIN CORBIN KILLED. if, MUNYON'S MATTHEWS IS HUSTLING Xew York Matti-Millionaire Dies From Injuries Received in a Runaway. Newpokt, N. June 6. Mr.

Aus REMEDIES. sis? tin Corbm, the muiti-millionaire, or 2sew York, died at last night from injuries received by the running INDIANA'S GOVERNOR IN THE RACE FOR PRESIDENT. ARE Home Remedies 13 away of the horses attached to his carriage. The accident occurred about 3 o'clock while Mr. Corbin was driving from his estate aud game preserves, two miles east of here, accompanied by his grandson, Edgell Cor BIDS FOR SILVER VOTES.

fern a vwm iihhtywm With tuna Iu thy Uocse Therein Iso Doctor to EuntorWhit For When. Alabama's Support la the Democratic Na tional Convention Solicited A Great Victory in the Hootier State on a Free Coinage Platform Predicted Other Late Political Sews. DELAYS AUK I IN EKOITM. bin, aud the latter tutor, lhc driver was John Stokes. When coming out of the entrance rate, the horses shied, and in their fright dashed across the street, colliding with a liigh stone wall.

The carriage was overturned sufficiently to eject, with great force, all its occupants, with the result lhat one of Mr. Corbin's legs was broken in two places aud the oilier wrenched, while his head was terribly bruised. The driver was injured internally and died at 0 o'clock. Edgell Corbin had one leg broken, besides other injuries, while the tutor escaped with a severe shaking up. Munyon'a Guide to Health Will Tell You What to Use and How to Castoria is lr.

Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor lntants and Children. It contains neither Onum 3Iorpliiiio nor other Narcotic substance. Ifc is a harmless sutatitute for Paregoric. Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant.

Its guarantee is thirty years use by iMillions of Castoria destroys AYovnis ami allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomit in? Sour Curd, cures liarrlia and AViiul Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho I'khI, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas 11 SHE DOLURS II III' U' '1 1 DEMOCRATS. KENTUCKY 'Si.

They Instruct for Sruator Idackburn for I You fiave run up against a Good Thing, Sickness Oflei (Joiner Suddenly -the Mother's Friend. toria is the Children's Panacea- Bikmixgham, June tt. In a letter in reply to one written by J. A. Rountree, Governor Matthews of Indiana makes a bid for he support of the Alabama delegates to the national convention and says: "The indications now are that our state convention will be, by a large majority, in the control of the silver sentiment, and that a delegation instructed for silver will be sent to Chicago.

The feeling wili us here is that strong1, positive and clear resold tions should be adopted, free from evasion or dmbti'ul construction. I favor a jesolutiou denunciatory of the continuance of the jroid standard, beiiev- President and Free Mlver. Lexington, June G. The Dem Castoria. and Every Mother lie Prepared by Hvir ocratic State convention elected the following delegates-at-large to the Castoria.

Cartoiia is so well adapted toctiUdren that I recommend it asf uptiiot to any prescription knowii to II. A. Archer, M. iu f.o. liooklyn, N.

Y. Chicago convention: J. C. S. Blackburn, P.

W. Hardin, John S. Khea, MUNYON'S LI) CINE CHEST W. T. Ellis.

Alternates-at-large Robert W. Nelson. J. Morton Roth- well, Theodore and John D. lu re the Can Oct It Quit kly i i it retards the return 01 prosperity and wilt continue to be de Carroll.

Elcetors-al-large J. B. Tar- vin and W. B. Smith.

"Castoria is an excellent medicine for rliil-dien. Mothers have repeatedly told sue of it.j good cfleet upon their children." r-u. O. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mai-i.

Castoria is the best remedy for children of v.hidi I aia acquainted. 1 hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the it interest of their children, r.nd us.e Castoria instead of the various quack nvsttusna which are destroying their loved ones, 1 forcing opium, tuoiphiue, soothing syiup other hurtful agents dovru their throats, thereby sending thtmto premature giavc-s." Dr. J. KiNCHf.rxir.. Ccr.wv.v, 1..

ilj ft an Emergency. It Contains a structive and injurious to the best interests of the American people, and calling for the coinage and use of both The convention closed yesterday afternoon after the free suver men "Our physicians iu the et.iUliea's depart mint h.ive of their in their culsidc ir.utice witli Castoria, and aHI-ough v.e among our medical ii known as regular pitnlucls, re t-. cud'ess that the merits of 3. iosia v.un tis to Itx with favor It. V.Niri.iJ ii Lj-tun, Mass.

C. gold and silver on equal terms as had secured everything in the organ! standard money, and demanding the zatiou as well as in the platform. The SEPARATE FOR EACH resolutions not only instruct the Ken SPECIFIC OISEASF. tucky delegation for Senator Blaek- early independent restoration of silver to its old and rightful place in the coinage of the country. With such a platform we will carry Indiana by the largest majority ever given to a Pres burn for president, but also for the unit rule, so the two gold delegates from the Louisville district will have The Cenlau? Ccmpsny, 77 Murray Si eai, iUvj York Ciiy no voice whatever at Chicago.

From expressions among the Ken idential candidate, lo make a doubtful declaration, even with a Western candidate, or adopt a gold platform, means defeat. Seldom has a grander opportunity been offered to a political tucky delegation it is learned their second choice for president is Bland The best reason in the world why EE some things sell so well is because they are That is one reason for the 1 great sales of "BATTLE AX." But good quality is only half the story. Sj The other half is the size of a 5 cent piece, It is as big almost as a 10 cent piece of other and poorer kinds. Facts are facts. You can buy and see for yourself.

Five cents isn't much to invest. of Missouri. party, and I trust we may be wise Buoklen Arinca Salve. enough to grasp it. Should my views A FLY The boHt najvo in the world for t'utt- upon this subject accord witu those ot Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt or Moron, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chi! the delegates of Alabama, I would ask for their favorable consideration at Chicago." mains, C'ornP, and all 8km LruptionR Munvon'H Kh-muiatiH'ti Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to threw bourn, and cure- In a fv days.

Pri 2'if. Munvi'ii's Cure positively cures alt forms indirection and stomach Pries Cold -urn prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold iu a lew hours I'rico Munyui's tVni'h Cure stops coughs, night sitHHts, allays soreness, and speedily tho liinKi. Priee 'St Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily pam- in he Imck, loin or groins and forms of Kiilnny disease. Price 2Tt. Munyon'a Headache Cure stops headache in three minute.

Trice 2-v. Munyon'a Pile Ointment positively eurs all forms of pilee. Prie Is when flics aio friendly and have an uncontollable desire to nd positively cures riles, or no pay re- quirf-d. It is guaranteed to trive perftrf-t is Doniociiilic I'ref erence. Topkka, June 6.

The Kansas KtiHiHCtion or moisfv relunded. 1 rice get better acquainted. We have the st till with wiucn to gam ana hold their warmest friendship. We buve both the eticky aud the 2f cents per box. Kor sal at J.

N. Har- ti-r's drn score. mison paper Either kind will do tho work. delegation to the national Democratic convention is divided iu its preferences for president. There is not one Mrs.

K., Middleburc, fa THE MOSCOW DISASTER. GETTYSBURG HEROES. wiiteH. I have used One Minniw ot the twenty who will support an Our Ineeet Powder is another boon to the housewife arid will co*ck anjthiug from a gold bug down.

Put some of onr Moth Camphor and Moth Balls around your Cure for six yearn, both for myself and children and I consider it the quickest Lasteru caudidate. IUand ot Missouri Due to the Refusal of the Prefect of Statues of Generals Sleade and Hanco*ck aetliiK and most satisfactory cough cure l'olice to Accept Offers of Assistance. is the choice of Boies of Iowa of 4 and Governor Matthews of Indiana of 4. Ex-United States Senator John I have ever UKed. A.

rarringer. Moscow, June 0. Eve witnesses of carpets and winter woolens. It will pay you. I'nveiled ou the Hattlelietd.

June Thons- Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all the terrible and fatal crush on the Beggs Hsir Henewer. To preparation ever put on the Keineinber we have what the people want atd we treat cur Martin and I lavid Overmyer, the leaders in the delegation, are for Bland, impurities of tho Mood. Pr ica Khodijnskoje plain Saturday, agree ands of veterans of tha late war and others gathered on the battlefield here mud von 'a remuie Keuieuies are a customers) right and will make an ciEort to nve him that M. Ylassovsky, prefect of police, market has given such universal satisfaction. It is not only a hair re- boon to all womn.

the solid vote of the delegation. is chiefly to blame for the disaster. newerand invigorator. but cleanses Munyon'-t c-atarrn riemedies never lie liuflily refused military otters of troops to control the crowd, declaring Senator Quay Likely to Withdraw. the scalp of all dandruff, leaving the Doane.

tan. lhe Utitarrli cmre price 2oc. eradicates the disease from the eyetsm, Plagmann Washington, June 6. No one need to-day to witness the unveiling of the equestrian statues erected by the State to the memory of Generals George S. Meade and Win field S.

Hanco*ck, the two Pennsylvania commanders in the battle of Gettysburg. The statues were erected at the expense of the State at a cost of 100,000. that he knew his own business, and hair soft, glossy and luxuriant, bold by Q. A. Class ana tne catarrn tablets price 'rc.

be surprised if Senator Quay withdraws from the presidential race with that there was no need of any fear of an accident. Popular feeling against Ylassovsky is intense, and his name Parson's Liquid Electricity is the cleanse and heal the parts. Munyoti'd Vitalize restores lost pow ers to weik ni-n. Price $1. only medicine sold in Winlleld that in the next few days and requests his supporters to cast their votes for Mc has become a curse among the popu is positively guaranteed to cure Teeth Extracted Without Pain, lace, who, armed with bottles and kinley.

It is understood that he has Acted With Splendid Effect. Kingman, Kan. Oct. 25 I have A separate euro tor each disease. At stones, would have lynched him the rl euiiiatisin or no pay.

bottles will lo it For sale by VV. A. Karri nger already written a letter to that effect all druggists, mostly a vial. to a member of the Pennsylvania del same nay upon ins arriving at the piain if he had not had his route lined Personal letters io Prof. Munyon egation and is withholding it to con with troops and himself strongly es The House Outwits Obstructor Kem.

Washington, June t5. In order to sult friends. WITHOUT I3XTIIA CHA51U1: No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. Ilaving )oncht Dr. McManis'd painless method of extracting, 1 urn prepared Arch street, Philadelphia, answer corted.

ed with free medical advice for any dia- liradley Still iu the Race. A number of peasants were drowned circumvent Mr. Kein of Nebraska, who has been blocking all unanimous consent legislation for over two weeks. in the vats of beer provided for the. Fisankfort, June G.

The story used Dr. Hand's Colic cure and can highly recommend it, for it acted with splendid effect. My first baby cried for three mouths and I hnve not had any trouble with my second using Dr. Hand's Colic cure I recommend it to all mothers. Mrs A.

Bpratler." Dr. Hand' srem-edles for children sold by W. II Somerniier for 25 cents a bottle. to extract teeth without pain or danger. All other work at tho low eet possible price and warranted.

feast, into which they piunircd in sent out to the effect that Governor Mr. Henderson of Iowa, from the order to secure the liquor. Bradley had withdrawn from the Traveling Men After tower Kate. Teeth Without Plates, Crown and Hridgc Work a bpeciaity. Presidential race is pronounced by the lKRUE IIautk, June The committee on rules, to-day presented a general order making to-morrow in A.

L. A ooster, a prominent citizen of governor's political managers to be Travelers' Protective Association, in Osseo, after suilering excruciat dividual suspension day. It was DRF. H. BULL DENTIST national convention, representing wholly unauthorized and unwarranted by the newspaper interview adopted without division.

There has ingly from piles lor twenty years, was cured in a short lime by using De itt's Caution. All instantaneous cough curea members in 2 states, have de- .1 ...1 been a tremendous pressure from upon which it was pretended to have witch Uhzel salve, an absolute cure for members for recognition for bills of to inaugurate a general cam all skin diseases. Morn of this prepara OFFICE, COWLEY COUNTY BANK been based. contain opiat93 aud are liable to dry paign lor a universal 2-cent fare. The tion is used than all others combined local importance, and this order will give them the opportunity.

W. A. rarringer. decision was unanimous. It is the natural result of the bitter contest Canton Will Hear the Jiews, Canton, Ohio, June 3.

The fire up the phlegm and mucus iu the bronchial tubes and lungs, thereby RAILROAD TIME TABLE. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR Facts Speak Louder Than Words. which has been waged between the McKiuley Headquarters Opened. bells are to be rung and cannon fired causing congestion. We guarantee traveling men and the railway officials Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup ugainst St.

Loiis, June r. Convention arrangements arc progressing satis during tne past year. decision Out of the boxes of Heggs' Gerujuu Halve sold in 1S95, only three boxes were returned us unsat in Canton the instant MeKinley is nominated in -St. Louis, if he is made the choice of the Republican conven this danger. Q.

A. Glaes. was reached as to speciBc methods. factorily. Perry Heath of Cincinnati, 1)11.

F. W. EMfcKl'. IJIIYSICIAN AND HUIUtEON, Office and 13 First National bank block over Somermier's drug store. but it was left to State divisions to tion.

Parson's Liquid Electricity is posi the advance representative of Gov isfactory. This seems almost incredible as every box has a positive decide on the best methods of in- lluencing legislative action. ernor MeKinley, has already opened headquarters at the Southern. He guarantee accompanying it. Q.

A Class sells it. tively guaranteed to cure sick headache, nervous headache, toothache neuralgia, pleurisy, lame back Wliitelaw Reid Visits MeKinley. Canton, Ohio, June 6. Whitelaw Ileid of the New York Tribune passed will be joined iu a few days by Gen in tne spring a young man's fancy England Waiting on This Country. W.T.

WRIGHT. O. M.RAHRETI DBS. WIUGIir A BAKKKTT, 13HYH1CIAN8 AND BURGEONS, Wln-fleld, Kauen. KppfwUl attention elves Chronlo and Bnrirlcal Diseases.

Office vl MalQ street, up stairs. tin hclv turn to thoughts of loViti's Little Eirl? U'ser. for tby always eral Grosvenor aud Mark Hauna, the banker of Cleveland, who is manager yesterday afternoon in conference instantaneously. For sale by V. A London.

Jilne 0. The under secre with Maior Mckinley, returning to Barringer. cieo-i- tilt llvr, purity the hlool of the Ohio statesman's campaign, tary of state for foreign affairs, New York in the evening. tnt-iigorate the system. W.

A. Parrin- will arrive Monday to be on hand for George N. C'urzon, in the House of the national committee meeting. See No War Cloud Over Europe. r.EKi.iv, Juno fi At the sitting ot TIMK CARD, In effect May 3J.

1S36. 4.TOUIHON, TOPEKA A SANTA FB NORTH. Sio. Exircfl No. 40e Kati.

Citv A 9:05 P.m. No.18 Freight jdep a.m. POUTM. No. 41T1 Tnv KxrresH 6 5 ra- No.

4tiT OklalmniH A Texas Fx 8:28 ft, m. 1 hit p. m. No. 417 Way Freight i nrv 1 HO a.m.

So. 423 (dPp Frlgbt trims Nob. 417, 418 423 carry Train 4 carries through hies go sleeper Riid makes connect tons "wltb sll llDes at Kansas City and i blcseo. also makes eonuectiors lit Newton with No. Denver Express, mil No.

1 California Express. No 40. carries throuch Gslveston sleeper and No. carries Kunsas City (deepen W. J.

Nevins, Agent. PIANO TUNING. WJ. SMITH will receive orders for lun- leg pianos and organs at J.N. Dar Sp.inlsh Anger Is Tp.

TT -r Commons io-day, answering a question whether Great liritain and the Two Lives Saved. the budget committee of the reichstag iutAj.1, June o. ija Kucha saj'S during the debate on the proposition United States would consent, in view ters drug store. I narges reasonable uu Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction worb; guaranteed, nest or reierences.

of the island's conversion into a French that it Spain secures the expected loan of in Paris and London, re-enforcements of 1G'000 more colony, to end their engagements with Madagascar, said that the matter to amend the law regulating he peace effective of the armv, the minister of war. General P.ronsart Yon Schellen-dorf, declared that there was no need of rattling the saber, for peace ap 6oldiers will be embarked at once for was receiving the attention ot the government and the latter expected tuba, and the tleet will also be strengthened, as a warning to the shortly to receive information as to Summer School For Modern Languages -Dr. Kuehne. Language specialist. Active member ot the Language Uuiou in Berlin, Germany.

Claesinstruction in German, Span peared assured for a long time to Lnited States government to keep its the views of the United States. come. City, was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life, Mr. Tlios.

Jiggers, 189 Florida Ht, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery aud in two weeks was cured. He is nanus ott una. Robber-M urilerer Windrath Hanged. llritish Temperance The Perfect Ointment.

i I jj- IIUANIIH. Oil People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and Sidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as tatonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, tbtreby aiding nature in the performance of the functions.

Electric Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they ned Price 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle at J.N. Harter'a drug store. Beggs Little Giant Fill. Try them if you have a sick headache or if you are constipated or bilious, (iuarauteed by Q.

A. Class. HURRICANE IN NEBRASKA London, June 6. The Pritish "Wo The virtue of Beggs' German Halve School be- ish, French and Italian CHICA00, Manacled, but is its quick healing power. Else It would not have earned its world struggling with his guards and with 10:35 ft.

ii men's Temperance Association elected the following delegates to the meeting of the National Women's Chris o.4H, Kan. O. Ex 438, Freight incoherent cries ringing from his lips, wide reputation. Your popular drug gins May 25th. A special illustrated conversational course for children in German and French has been arrauged.

Joseph Hindrath. the robber-mur gist, (J A Glass, has It. tian Temperance union in St. Louis in SOUTH. No.

Hi, Arte Ex. 4.H3. Frelsht V- VrDlifhttmlnaNoH. 433 and 45i carry pM- September: Lady Somerset, Mes- JljRownn Not Vet Married. dames Hughes aud Wardpoole, and naturally thankful.

It is such re and i wii iters. French, German, Hpanish derer, was handed this afternoon in the county jail. Even to the last second he feigued insanity and uttered wild shouts. Death was caused by Strangulation. Chicago, June Frank A.

Ma-gowan, ex-mayor and rubber magnate musses asrnes uestou, Agnes rstaeiv and Mary Phillips. of Trenton, secured a license sults, of which these are that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Italian for ladies and gentlemen. Illustrated guides with line large maps together with the best method will be studied. Lile iu France and Wednesday to marry Mrs.

Helen HOUTHKKN KANHAH DIVIBION. BAbT. No. 2'4, F.trn Etpra No. 222 Freight ep a rn WF.8T.

liarnes. esieraay aiternoon he re I ree trial bottles at J. N. Hurter's 'drugstore. Regular size 50 cents tf-, I VAnlln ia ill h.

1 turned the license, no marriage having1 VJ 1 ell no iv i coi.j taken place. The reason for the delay and $1.00. studied. No man could render let i so. sit.

i 'P a ter assistance, than Dr. Kuehue who! No. 221 Freight arrive ot the wedding, or why he took out a fTfceo Baiy was Me.fc, gave her CasUuf-wlien sho was a d-djil, sh cried for t'astorm, vChm she tieeamo Miss, she clung to Castoria, she had Childreu. sh tfafetlu'iu Catcri. license, are tilings he refused to dis 4 acnuainted and thor Krciutit trains Jie and 21.

carry Rheumatism Cured a Day. Myatio Cure" for rheumatism aud euralgln radically cures In 1 to 3 daya. Its action upon the system Is rennrkabla and mysterious. It removes at ouue the cause aud the dl-H i3Q tmmdiately disappears. The flmt do greatly benefits 75 emit.

Sild by J. n. Harter, druggist, WintUl.l. r. Farm Houses Uestroyed aud Many Head of tattle Killed.

Penpee, June G. A terrific hail storm and hurricane visited the farming section about five miles north between Wiiirkdd mid Wellington. CllS. lie GttMl LlJ.ll. J.

I -V rtS Ills IMISIMCSS oughly laminar witn an mis. when ne got married and that he Fr'utlit trains Nos. 221 and 222 carry pas- ngorfi. might be married in a few davs or North Dakota Also for Silver. Jamestown, N.

D. June t. The Democratic State convention met in this city at noon yesterday. John Unrke of Polette was chosen tempo- few years, or never. He did not claim west of Pender last evening.

For to know very much about it himself. miles around the fences are wholly destroyed, the wires being strewn across the public highways to such an It Ts Wonderful rary chairman, and afterward made Blotches, Pimples, Scrofulous SoreB tie conven And all humors of the blood and bow quickly Diarrheo or Dysentery I permanent chairman of can la relieved by using Begg r.tion. The resolutions fav or the free skin will succumb to Pegg-' Blood HT. LOUIH A BAN FHANCIMCO GOING EAhT jlo (i, So ISO. Local Fro'ghl.

depl i T.S OOINO WEHT od. lssenKcr 3-55 ra So 23, 10:15 a Freight trains Nos 29 and 30 carry passengers. No. concocts at Ht. Iiu1h, (irarid Union station with all lines for the east, north and extent mat passage last evening was unsafe.

The residence of William Sv- Purifier and Blood Maker. It posi coinajre of both gold tuid silver. The don and a large number of his gran tively has no equal. Every bottle i Young mothers dread the summer months on account of the great mortality among children caused by bowel trouble. Perfect safety maybe assured ho9 who kep on hand DeWitt's Colin it Oholfra onre, and administer it promptly.

For cramp, bilious onlie, dysentery and diarrhoea. It fiord 9 in stant relief. W. A. Farringer.

enes and cattle sheds are scattered guaranteed. Ask your popular drug Diarrhea Balsam. A purely vegetable compound. It affords iustant relief and a pernutueutcure in a perfectly safe way. Y'our popular druggist, Q.

A. Glass has the agency for this wonderful medicine. over several sections of land. All of James Kinsella's buildings except his following delegates to the Chicago convention were elected: Senator Kieh Williams of Grand Forks. J.

11. Hill of Burleigh, II. Hartman of Cass, Eaton of Kamey and of Ijovers of music ought to study Italian. Commercial correspondents must know Hpanish, American trade demands it now. Bookkeeping, grammar, letter writing, arithmetic.

th-. best method of shorthand and typewriting will be taught as reasonably and thoroughly as it can be taught anywhere Prices are po reasonable that no i)D can have any objection. Apply to Dr. Kuehne ai once. To the diligent pupil, success is promised.

Johnson's Oriental rtoap is the most delicate facial soap in existence, leaves the skin soft and velvety. Absolutely pure and highly medicated. To large cakes in a package, 2 eta. W. H.

Somermier and W. A. Karrlnger. gist, A. Glass, for it, chaffer Convicted.

I eoutbeRKt. Has reclining chair csrs (seats residence are wholly destroyed aud liis stock and horses are running at Peoiua. 111., June Simon Schaffer of Chicago was found guilty of large. in connection with a bill free) and Pullman drawing room sleepers to at. Iuts.

Through tlfkets on sale to all points. Kor further information call on or address W. J. Nevini-, Agf'Rt. MISSOUP.I PACIFIO.

Corrected May A Traveling; Crazed by Eotc. Sr. Joseph, June 0. James McCotin, a traveling man, who had traeung man, wno nad It Does Not Pay Baby Rested Better Than fiver. introduced in thrf last legislature Eitkkka Kan.

Sep. 24, '95 Hand affecting I'eoria distilling interests to experiment with mo S. been on the road for nfteen years for Rejig' Blood Purifier is no imw-hy. wholesale houses iu this city. St, A record of twetitv vears pi i Louis Kansas City, was found to lhe ja A motion for a new trial was entered iueaiciue to, "ur.

L'oiie Cure gave my baby great relief. Hhe at once. A Dig Cincinnati Drewer Dead. Kasl liound. No infix l.y Arrive 7:2) a wandering between Amazonia and nine month's old and rested bet -t.

Loui, Cincinnati, Ohio. June C. John ricbiug th3 bj i ut and driving-from the svstem those impurities w'uelt breed disease. For sie by Q. A Glass.

West Bound. No 9 Leave Daily 8: Hi a in 1:45 a a a a '5 5:0 I 7: V) a ter last night than ehe ever has, I can testify to its virtues with a good Hauck. president of the John Haucl 1 :4 a in 1 a I Q.Si I Notice of Dissolution of Partnership An Editor Ansa id ted. Gallatix. June 6.

Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock, Dr. James Ij. Lawrence attacked the editor of the Gallatin Democrat, knocking him down in front of his office and bruising him up severely. The fight was the outgrowth of articles published in the Democrat, reflecting on Lawrence, who rents a building for a drug store, which, it is alleged, does a questionable business. An indignation meeting was held yesterday afternoon, strongly indorsing the Democrat and calling upon every citizen to lend his immediate influence to the suppression of the dives.

Lawrence was lined $100 and sentenced to thirty days in jail, lie gave notice of appeal to the circuit court and was released on bond. Brewing company, died last night aged .) years. He was a multi-mil conscience. Mrs. J.M.Perry." Motl Kansas City nai-ant ill, VI FIE LP, kbit Pue.l', Colorado Htiriu Denver.

Notice is hereby gdven that the 12:57 ers ask eome mother who has used lionaire and one the most noted brewers in the partnership heretofore existing be-; 7 ii tween T. F. Iled and J. E. Johnson 9:37 a Ar 12:10 a Did you ever think bow re.diiv tht blood is poisoned by roucupation? B-d tdood means bad health and premature rid agf.

Little Eir R'-ers the lamoii- littie pill's ovrom oisti- Korot City with no clothing on and was sent to the asylum to-day. Disappointment iu love was the cause. Forbidden to Duel. adrid, June G. The cabinet, after a long discussion over the Campos-Borrero affair, decided to prevent the duel, and, as a result of the discussion, both men have been placed under arrest io their homes.

General Borrero refuses to retract his offensive statement and prefers to the command of Fifth arm corns this remedy about it. Br. Hand's remedies for children never disappoint. Sold by Somermier for as fe Johnson, is this No. sJ freight No 4-o, Freight Ar 3:25 a WIN FIELD.

day dissolved iy n.iiumi cineni. -n a hep WINMELD, L)ep nate constipation. V. A. Kf tin A 14ig Boston Brewery Burned.

Poston, June The big Poylston brewery, one of the largest in Boston, was wrecked by fire this morning in forty-five minutes. The loss was fully V0o.o. The brewery was owned by alien rede Co. retififz from i'ie said J. E.

The said T. F. Reed the nirtnership atid 25 cents a ottle. Ended in a Verdict ot Guilty. Nevada, June 6.

J. M. Mc Train No. )) carries through recllninj chair cars free) lighted with the new sir.tch gs to bt. Louis, making direct con-Lection, tor hII points east and south.

from Wintleld to New York. ThN ten hours faster than any line via Chic-go. Train o. it makes direct connections and thefasteKt time by hours Pueblo. Colora Johnson t' collect ail bills and pay i all accounts against the firm.

Clain was found guilty in the circuit Chicago's iranct Rm? Chicago, June Wo- ded island in Jackson park is now the largest and finest row garden in the United States. Two inihim ers are in full sixiy-ilvo varieties. The garden -s a legacy ol the world's fair. court here to-day and sentenced to Dated this 4th day of June, J. E.

Johnson, two and a half years in the peniten-. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to ail others do spring. Denver, t'rtpple Creek and all Children Cry foi itchcr's Castoria.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria tiary for assaulting his 1 5-year old Flora Ccggin. u. w. IS Colorado puiuts. KaiTU, Agent, V.


Winfield Daily Courier from Winfield, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.